Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween 2013

So I realized after posting my What I Ate Wednesday post yesterday that I forgot I had planned to make it a recap of my Halloween. Instead you get a separate post telling how I spent my Halloween.

Michael and I decided to skip the gym in the morning in lieu of a relaxing one with some pumpkin waffles made by moi
And some matcha & a green smoothie (hey, it's creepy to some people!)

I ended up spending a good portion of my day in my two fitness classes and we had a "Trick or Treat" workout. Lemme say, there was no treat involved in the whole process. We did one of those work outs where it's all by chance from a deck of cards. In the end we did like 72 burpees, 80 something weighted squats, 50 something kettlebell swings, and 40 something crunches. The class after that was thankfully easier than the first, but god I was exhausted.

After class I swung by Target and Whole Foods to pick up a pumpkin and Darth Vader press in stuff. He was beyond excited

We headed over to Starbucks so I could enjoy pumpkin spice one last time

Then we headed home to relax before grabbing dinner. My costume was insanely basic. If I'm just hanging out at home I don't feel that I need to dress up in anything special
Cat ears, the most basic costume ever

For dinner we both decided we wanted pizza so we went to the Papa Murphy's around the corner from my house
A little jack-o-lantern pizza! How cute.

For the rest of the night Michael and I relaxed and watched some of my all-time favorite Halloween movies
Did anyone else watch the Halloweentown movies when you were younger? I loved these movies and have to watch them every year.
And of course we had to have some dessert
Mini pumpkin pies and a mini pecan pie split between Michael and I.
I had intended to make a pumpkin bread pudding, but it just wouldn't cook right so I had to give up on the idea and we ran out to save my night with Whole Foods desserts.

We stayed in because my poor little cat can't handle people constantly ringing the doorbell and I felt it was best to hermit ourselves in my room and try to have a quiet night. I ended up being annoyed by the doorbell more than my cat haha!

How was your Halloween?

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