Tuesday, October 15, 2013

WIAW: Neverending School Day

Happy Wednesday everyone! 
It's been a jam packed week around here with workouts, school, and homework. But I also have had some time to make some yummy and healthy food! So let's join Jenn at Peas and Crayons for a food party yes?

Plain low-fat Greek yogurt with a little bit of berry jam and Ezekial almond cereal. 
My teacher, Laurie, showed me this cereal and it's freaking yummy! Packed full of nutrients and good belly-filling fiber and while it doesn't have a smidge of sugar in it, it's sweet enough on it's own. Go find it, it's delicious.

Morning drinks:
Green smoothie (I promise that recipe post will be up soon!) and a hot almond milk matcha

An unpictured Amy's frozen bean, cheese, and rice burrito
I was so excited that I found it in my freezer that I forgot to take a picture, whoops!

Afternoon snack:
Organic 365 Wheat Crackers aka much yummier and less sketchy Wheat Thins
My English teacher always brings processed cookies (think Oreos) and I've given in a time or two when my tummy starts rumbling since her class is smack dab in the middle of the afternoon/early evening. I'm coming to class prepared now.

A random compliation of taco flavored quinoa, these yummy fresh Mexican flavored beans from Whole Foods, veggies, and sour cream.
My chemistry class starts at 6 and goes until 9 usually so I have to bring something that can be eaten at my desk and at room temp. I've been making lots of rice and bean bowls lol.

After class I went home to flop in my bed with my pajamas and a cuddly cat. 

Hope you all have a great second half to your week!

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